Caliber Specific

The performance of a suppressor is highly dependent on the unique velocity and pressure characteristics of ammunition it is designed to accommodate.

Different calibers produce varying bullet velocities. High-velocity rounds generate more significant sound and gas expansion compared to low-velocity rounds. Suppressors designed for high-velocity ammunition need to incorporate complex pressure and velocity systems to effectively manage the increased energy and gas flow. Therefore, caliber specific suppressors ensure that the internal components are optimized to handle the specific pressure profiles of the ammunition, enhancing safety and efficiency.

The acoustic properties of a gunshot differ between calibers. A suppressor designed for a specific caliber can be fine-tuned to target the unique sound frequencies produced by that round, achieving maximum noise reduction. By focusing on the specific sound signature of the caliber, suppressors can provide better noise suppression and reduce the risk of detection in tactical scenarios.

C.A.T Suppressor Design

C.A.T has incorporated a machine learning algorithm fondly referred to as ‘SkyNET’ to optimize suppressor design for specific calibers via Controlled Acoustic Technology. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Data Collection:
    • Engineers gather extensive data on various ammunition types, including pressure profiles, velocity, and acoustic signatures. This data forms the foundation for SkyNET’s machine learning models.
  2. Algorithm Development:
    • Using this data, SkyNET analyzes and predicts the optimal suppressor design for each caliber. These algorithms consider multiple variables, including material properties, pressure chamber configuration, and overall form factor.
  3. Optimization Process:
    • SkyNET simulates countless firing scenarios, testing different suppressor designs to determine the most effective configurations. This iterative process ensures that the final suppressor design offers maximum noise reduction, durability, and performance for the specific caliber.
  4. Form Factor Maximization:
    • One of the key benefits of using SkyNET is the ability to maximize the form factor. C.A.T can design suppressors that are not only highly effective but also compact and lightweight, tailored to the specific needs of each caliber.
    • This optimization leads to suppressors that provide excellent performance without adding unnecessary bulk or weight to the firearm, enhancing the user experience and operational efficiency.

Surge Bypass

Surge Bypass technologies allow an unparalleled advantage to regulate both supersonic and subsonic calibers, while maintaining a high rate of forward pressure, and the ability to sustain significant bore line erosion or damage without a loss in performance capability.

At the heart of Surge Bypass functionality is the strategic placement of pressure vessels and velocity fins, with these components working to manage the high-pressure gases produced by supersonic rounds and the lower-pressure gases of subsonic rounds. The pressure vessels act as temporary containment areas, designed for specific caliber pressures, allowing the suppressor to control the release of gases and reduce overall noise and blast signature. Meanwhile, the velocity fins help stabilize the projectile and manage shock waves that are produced by the speed of a round. The integration of these pressure vessels and velocity fins at various timed positions within the suppressor, allow the specific caliber design to adapt seamlessly, managing the differing pressures and velocities associated with these two types of ammunition.


Created as an adaptive suppression technology for military sniping programs. Unlike traditional suppressors that rely solely on mechanical or passive sound-dampening materials to reduce noise, C.A.T’s Sniper2 technology works by generating sound waves that are the opposite (anti-phase) of the shockwave resonance produced by the round. When these anti-phase waves collide with the round’s shockwave, they are in opposition through a process known as destructive interference.

Using machine learning and sophisticated digital signal processors, C.A.T’s SkyNET algorithms can continuously analyze the noise patterns generated from specific calibers and adjust parameters to create precise anti-noise reflection surfaces in real-time. By combining the strengths of active and passive noise suppression with adaptive algorithms, Sniper2 offers a versatile and highly effective solution for a variety of noise reduction needs based on form factor requirements.


The DiVerge suppression technology operates on a sophisticated blend of mechanical engineering, and shockwave dynamics. Shock waves are acoustic pulses characterized by high positive pressure amplitudes and a steep pressure increase compared to the ambient pressure. DiVerge incorporates a specialized pressure regulation design that dynamically adjusts to the increased pressure spikes caused in rapid firing of rounds in sub machine guns. The system uses a combination of venting channels to control and reduce the internal pressure without compromising the firearm’s performance.

The second key feature of the DiVerge technology is its ability to reduce the sound energy and signature of low-velocity ammunition. The technology is specifically optimized to handle the different acoustic profiles of low-velocity ammunition, ensuring maximum suppression without affecting the bullet’s velocity or trajectory.

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